Παρασκευή 15 Ιουλίου 2022



tortoise and hare


days of the week


teachable songs with worksheets


theme songs 



We Love Peppa Pig London #9

Curriculum for kindergarten

The kids in our school have English classes twice per week, each time around 2 hours.

Curriculum for our 3-year-olds

Period 1 - 7.5 weeks
no classes

Period 2 - 6 weeks
Week 1: Ground rules, setting the stage, routines and expectations
Week 2 - 3.5: Feelings 
Week 3.5 - 4: Colours (red, blue, yellow)
Week 5-6: Myself: the body

Period 3 - 6.5 weeks
Week 1-2: Myself: the face
Week 3-4: Clothes
Week 5-6: Family (make sure to relate to old topics to repeat vocab such as my my is wearing a yellow dress)
half a week for repetition

Period 4 - 7 weeks
Week 1-2: the weather (introducing a weather chart into the morning routine)
Week 3-4: Spring 
Week 5-6: Fruits
Week 7: Vegetables

Period 5: 7.5 weeks
Week 1: vegetables
Week 2-3: farm animals (what do they eat? The horse is eating a carrot and an apple)
Week 4-5: number 1-5 (relate to old topics such as how many brothers and sisters do you have, how many cows do you see etc)
Week 6-7: Toys
half a week for end of the year party

Curriculum for our 4-year-olds

Period 1 - 7.5 weeks

Week 1: Ground rules, setting the stage, routines and expectations

Week 2: Feelings (repeat old, add new)
Week 3-4: Zoo animals
Week 5: Who lives where? (rep zoo and farm animals, classifying)
Week 6-7: Transportation (how do we get to the zoo?)
half a week for reviews

Period 2 - 6 weeks
Week 1-2: Colours (repeat old, add new)
Week 3-4: Number 1-10 (connect with old topics from last year: I see six apples)
Week 5-6: Cooking and baking

Period 3 - 6.5 weeks
Week 1-2: Family (repeat old, add new)
Week 3-4: Jobs
Week 5-6: Winter
half a week for repetition

Period 4 - 7 weeks
Week 1-2: Arctic animals
Week 3-4: Sports
Week 5-6: Toys
Week 7: Project of teacher's choice

Period 5: 7.5 weeks
Week 1: Picnic
Week 2-3: Ocean animals
Week 4-5: ice cream flavours
Week 6-7: Summer
half a week for end of the year party

Curriculum for our 5-year-olds

Period 1 - 7.5 weeks

Week 1: Ground rules, setting the stage, routines and expectations
Week 2-3: At the doctor (rep parts of the body)
Week 4-7.5: Senses (touch, small, feel, hear, see)

Period 2 - 6 weeks
Week 1-2: Colours (repeat old, add new)
Week 3-4: Autumn / Fall
Week 5-6: Pumpkins & apples (life cycle, expression how the apple looks, tastes etc)

Period 3 - 6.5 weeks
Week 1-2: Hobbies
Week 3-4: Circus
Week 5-6: Rooms of the house
half a week for repetition

Period 4 - 7 weeks
Week 1-2: Furniture
Week 3-4: Up in the sky (clouds, sun, birds, balloon, kite, plane, bird)
Week 5-6: air animals (eagle, butterfly, bat, bee, fly ...)
Week 7: Project of teacher's choice

Period 5: 7.5 weeks
Week 1-2: Numbers 1-20
Week 3-4: Space
Week 5: Space Project
Week 6-7: On the airplane
half a week for end of the year party

Τετάρτη 17 Μαρτίου 2021

ECCE Screening Test

Πόσο καλά γνωρίζετε την Αγγλική γλώσσα; Βρίσκεστε στο επίπεδο Β2; To ECCE Screening Test θα σας βοηθήσει να το ανακαλύψετε!

Χρήσιμο εργαλείο για τους καθηγητές της Αγγλικής γλώσσας που επιθυμούν να:

  • έχουν ένδειξη του επιπέδου των μαθητών τους
  • διαπιστώσουν γρήγορα εάν ένας υποψήφιος έχει τη δυνατότητα να επιτύχει στις εξετάσεις του ECCE
  • εντοπίσουν τα αδύνατα σημεία των μαθητών τους, ώστε να τα βελτιώσουν

Το test αποτελείται από τις ενότητες Listening και GVR (Grammar, Vocabulary & Reading). Κάθε ερώτημα αξιολογήθηκε από 22 έμπειρους κριτές σύμφωνα με το επίπεδο δυσκολίας (απλό, μέτριο, δύσκολο). Ένας πίνακας αναφοράς βοηθάει τη συλλογή και ερμηνεία των απαντήσεων των υποψηφίων.

Οι υποψήφιοι που θα έχουν τουλάχιστον 25 σωστές απαντήσεις στο κομμάτι του Listening και 50 σωστές απαντήσεις στο κομμάτι του GVR έχουν πολλές πιθανότητες να επιτύχουν στις εξετάσεις του ECCE.

Μπορείτε να κατεβάσετε δωρεάν το τεστ εδώ.


Mother's Day






KINDERGARTEN tortoise and hare https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WF8iaqRqI60 days of the week https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mXMofxtDPUQ1.  t...